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Home Courses Course
First Aid Level II
First Aid Level II

Course Introduction: This course is designed to provide learners with advanced knowledge and skills in first aid. Building on the foundational concepts of first aid covered in First Aid Level I, this course delves deeper into the practical application of first aid techniques in real-world scenarios. Learners will explore advanced first aid methodologies and gain hands-on experience in providing first aid to individuals with a wide range of injuries and medical conditions.

Course Contents: The following table outlines the 10 course contents for First Aid Level II:

1Introduction to advanced first aid techniques
2Management of life-threatening emergencies
3Advanced assessment and treatment of injuries
4Management of medical emergencies
5Advanced wound care and dressing
6Administration of medication
7Handling of pediatric emergencies
8Handling of geriatric emergencies
9Handling of mental health emergencies
10Special considerations for remote or wilderness first aid

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

1Apply advanced first aid techniques in real-world scenarios
2Manage life-threatening emergencies such as cardiac arrest, severe bleeding, and choking
3Assess and treat injuries such as fractures, dislocations, and head injuries
4Manage medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes, and diabetic emergencies
5Provide advanced wound care and dressing for complex injuries
6Administer medication in emergency situations
7Handle pediatric emergencies such as respiratory distress and allergic reactions
8Handle geriatric emergencies such as falls and cognitive impairment
9Handle mental health emergencies such as panic attacks and suicidal ideation
10Apply first aid techniques in remote or wilderness settings with limited resources